tournament is an event kindly sponsored by OSC and contains a prizepool
of 100 Dollars. Everyone throughout all regions is welcome to play in
it, the most important rule we have for this is to have fun! The tournament will be held on EU server.
Please note that this tournament is only taking place if at least 16 players checked in by the time it starts!
Prize: $100, with split as follows:
#1: $60;
#2: $20;
# 3 - #4: $10
OSC points, with split as follows:
#1: 120;
#2: 60;
#3 - #4: 30;
#5 - #8: 10;
#9 - #16: 5
+ participation bonus, bounties and bonus points as described here.
+ points for the OSC Team Championships
Channel: Proxy Tempest (EU server), players MUST be in the ingame chat channel to guarantee a smooth tournament. (type /join Proxy Tempest into the chat bar!)
To claim your prize:
Discord: For any questions, concerns, complaints, or general conversation, please join the Discord server:
Tournament format
All games are Bo3, apart from the finals which are Bo5.
Mappool: Current Map Pool
2 vetoes for each player in Bo3: A B A B with A being the upper player in the bracket
Then picking the map order starting with player A: A B C
1 veto for each player in Bo5: A B with A being the upper player in the bracket.
Then picking the map order starting with player A: A B A B C
Have fun!!!
Players races cannot be changed throughout a series. A player may chose to pick another race after a finished series. The desired race MUST be announced clearly to the opponent before the veto for a series starts. Random counts as race.
Default server is the EU server. If both opponents agree to play on a different server, this decision MUST be made known on Discord OR via ingame PM to either LadyAzylis or a tournament admin. You do not have to wait for approval, we just want to know in case we are looking for players.
Semi finals and finals are casted, so even if you are ready to play, please wait for the caster(s).
This rule does not apply if the tournament lasts an extended period of time.
Make sure your privacy settings allow others to contact you.
Please use Discord or the stream chat to bring up any concerns or questions during the games.
Third party software that provides any sort of advantage for the player using it (such as maphacks, production tab hacks and so on) is not allowed. Using that sort of cheat will result in immediate ban from the current event and all future events held by Proxy Tempest.
The stream has a delay of 3 minutes to prevent stream cheating, however, players are asked to leave the channel while their matches are casted.
Approved streamers for non english broadcasts:
General things:
In case you want to help out as a tournament admin or co-caster, please consider contacting LadyAzylis ingame or on Discord.